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Ten Unpopular Opinions

- The Beatles are overrated. I know, I KNOW, they were the first 'boy band' yada yada yada. I appreciate what they did culturally for music, I just don't enjoy the majority of their work. (Although I will say that I enjoy Syesha's rendition of "Yesterday" from that one season of American Idol that aired forever ago).
- Horror movies that end with a twist where the evil has not been defeated aren't as clever as they think they are. Personally, I would rather watch a movie where the whole thing didn't turn out to be completely pointless because life is terrible and we're all doomed no matter what, but that's just me.
- Boyz II Men is a superior boy band to both Backstreet Boys and N'SYNC. I said what I said. FULL DISCLOSURE: I have a deep love for both BSB and N'SYNC. I am not a hater. I just love Boyz II Men more than most 23-year-olds. I am not sorry about this.
- Winter is better than summer. As a pale person who literally wears sunscreen every day, the sun is not my friend. I also do not enjoy hot weather, the beach (especially sand), or the Fourth of July. It is my firm belief that you can eat ice cream during any time of year. Also, Christmas is the best.
- Willoughby (Sense & Sensibility) is worse than George Wickham (Pride & Prejudice). Hear me out: while both of them are cruel cads with a tendency to knock up innocent young girls and then abandon them to lives of shame & destitution, Wickham at least has no intention of treating women well. He is consistent in his rapscallious behavior and appears to lack the ability to act honorably. In contrast, Willoughby is more selective about which girls he treats badly. Although he did end up breaking Marianne's heart, it appears that he had genuine feelings for her, but his selfishness overrode his attachments when his finances became a factor. Wickham may show deceit by pretending not to be a scoundrel when he always acts in his own interests, but at least the way he treated everyone matched the way he felt about them (i.e they didn't matter to him, so he treated them like garbage). Willoughby exhibited a deeper selfishness in that he was willing to treat someone he cared about with the same disrespect and cruelty that he would put on a girl he didn't care about at all. (Yes, we could argue whether Willoughby truly loved Marianne or were they just infatuated with each other, but either way he did have some kind of emotional and romantic attachment to her.) Isn't it, in some twisted way, worse to treat someone you care about like trash, rather than treating someone you don't care about at all like trash?
- Kelly Clarkson's My December album is some of her best work. First of all, Kelly Clarkson could sing a car manual and make it a hit. Second of all, while I love her more pop-leaning work, I think the rock vibe really suits her. Also, the darker themes of this album make it perfect to listen to during your angry/sad/depressive moments and don't we all need that sometimes?
- Writing papers for classes is more fun than taking a test. Anything is better than group projects.
- Derek Hough is overrated as a choreographer and did not deserve six wins on Dancing with the Stars. You don't want me to rant for ten pages about this, so I won't.
- Woody Allen movies aren't good. How many times can you recycle "a self-important, creepy old man gaslights a younger woman into having sex with him and as they carry on a weirdly inappropriate relationship he molds her into his pixie dream girl" plotline? Why are we paying a rapist to make more creepy, repetitive movies? WHY IS THIS AN UNPOPULAR OPINION?
- Tangled is better than Frozen. From an artistic standpoint, the animation of the lantern scene is gorgeous, people. From an analytical standpoint, Frozen never determined the extent and limitations of Elsa's powers. This is the root of her conflict, however, which means every scene in which she talks about or uses them consequently become very confusing (how does one reconcile her freak-out over controlling her powers in the beginning of the movie with her whole 'let's build an ice house with absolutely no issues' scene??? Do the gloves do anything or not? How did she go so long without slipping up and hurting someone/something if they were that uncontrollable? Why does taking a chill pill suddenly make controlling her abilities easier???) Also, I do not get the trolls thing. Like, at all. In regards to Tangled, I think the plot is stronger and as the conflict develops there is a clear cause & effect thing happening that makes the whole storyline make way more sense. The darker scenes and the humorous scenes balance each other out more, in my opinion. Also, Rapunzel's journey as she discovers who she is and rescues herself from an emotionally-abusive household??? WHAT AN ICON.
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